Kaštieľ Pálffy
Kaštieľ Pálffy vo Svätom Jure
Kaštieľ Pálffy
VIAJUR vinohradníctvo a vinárstvo
Kaštieľ Pálffy
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Tasting Dinner Back to the roots II. by Enrico Bartolini
19.10.2024 o 18.00

Tasting Dinner Back to the roots II. by Enrico Bartolini

Get ready for another gastronomic experience that will keep you on the boil. As part of the Michelin Star tasting dinner series in Lomnica, the 5-course tasting menu will be served to you by the most qualified, this time in a unique connection with the Slovak boutique winery VIAJUR.

Nela Pociskova’s Christmas Concert
28 December 2024 at 6.00 pm

Nela Pociskova’s Christmas Concert

The Christmas spirit will again arrive at the Hotel Lomnica, this time with Nela Pocisková. Experience the magic of the festive atmosphere during the Christmas concert at the Mozart cafe.

01.12.2023 – 17.12.2023


Christmas mood and magical atmosphere will be in front of Hotel Lomnica again this year. We will bring our and your favourite Hey You cars with Christmas punch, mulled wine and a special winter FOODCAR MENU.

Michelin stars in Lomnica – Tasting dinner with Osteria di Passignano
01.12.2023 a 02.12.2023

Michelin stars in Lomnica – Tasting dinner with Osteria di Passignano

Začiatkom decembra budú v Hoteli Lomnica rinčať príbory o taniere plné neskutočného jedla. Veď keď sa Franz Josef stretne s talianskou živelnosťou, výsledok môže byť jedine nezabudnuteľný.

Degustation Dinner: Hotel Lomnica & Anna Stuben
4 MAY⁠2024 AT 6 PM

Degustation Dinner: Hotel Lomnica & Anna Stuben

On the fourth of May, Hotel Lomnica will be again filled with the clatter of cutlery and plates full of unbelievable food. The first lady of the Tatras, Hotel Lomnica, in her Sissi restaurant, will host the Michelin-starred Anna Stuben restaurant, located in the South Tyrol region of the Italian Dolomites. What about the outcome? Of course, (g)astronomical) again.

01.12.2023 a 02.12.2023


At the beginning of December, cutlery will clink on plates full of incredible food at Hotel Lomnica. After all, when Franz Josef meets Italian vivaciousness, the result can only be unforgettable.

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