To make your visit to Hotel Lomnica as comfortable and hassle-free as possible, we have prepared a range of services to make your stay with us even more enjoyable. You will always be greeted at the door with a smile by a reliable team who will be happy to help or advise you with anything.
You can also make your stay in the Tatras more varied thanks to specially designed combinations of accommodation, gastronomy and activities. Our Guest Relations Manager will provide you with interesting tips for your leisure time, tailored to your interests.
The gates of Hotel Lomnica were opened in 1894 and from the very beginning this building was an important cultural and social centre. The designer of the magnificent building was the prominent architect Gedeon Majunke from Spišská Sobota.
Visit the Selaví shop, where you will find a great selection of Slovak wines produced with love and enormous efforts of experienced winegrowers or equally high quality wines from abroad.