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The First Lady of the Tatras, as we like to call Hotel Lomnica, has been standing in its place for 128 years.

Group 90


It's 1892. The state and the wealthy nobility of Budapest begin the large-scale construction of the "Tatra-Lomnica villa settlement". A year later, the architect Gedeon Majunke is already hard at work on the construction of the magnificent project, which is to give a face to the newly founded Tatranská Lomnica. It is to be the first hotel in the Tatras, which will take one year to build and is worth an investment of 85 000 forints.

Group 90

Golden times

In 1894, the Hotel Lomnica opened its doors to guests, which are high statesmen, nobility, artists, but also visitors of the first climatic spa in the High Tatras. You can stay in one of the twenty-eight rooms for 1-3 forints. In 1900, accommodation cost 2 - 6 crowns per night.

At the turn of the century, the Tatra Mountains are coming to life thanks to sports fans who come here also for modern adrenaline experiences. Speed enthusiasts enjoy tobogganing on the newly built bobsleigh run or the wind in their hair while riding on horse-drawn skis. Golf, tennis and pigeon shooting rule the sports scene. Tatranská Lomnica is becoming a popular place and offers its visitors a large number of activities. Nothing stands in the way of building tourism and overcoming speed limits.

The parks flourish with the designs of gardener Jan Böllmann and the kitchen of Hotel Lomnica is regularly supplied with freshly grown vegetables directly from the Lomnica gardens.

Group 440

Unexpected fall

However, a few years later, the Tatra Mountains begin to desert. Hotel capacities no longer serve tourists, but soldiers and mountain shooters who come here for training. The First World War changed everything, bringing dramatic times to the oasis of relaxation.
and entertainment. In the winter at the turn of 1917/1918, Tatranská Lomnica is completely deserted.

After the war, the Czechoslovak Republic took possession of the former properties of the Hungarian state, which included the hotel. The buildings are looted and abandoned. Cyril Holuby, an experienced balneologist and hotelier, is given the task of restoring Tatranská Lomnica to its former glory. This brings a number of unpopular decisions against the opponents of the current regime. Perhaps because of them, Cyril Holuby mysteriously disappeared a while later.

Group 441

New Hope

During the 1930s, however, better times dawned. A cable car to Lomnicky Peak was built and Lomnica was once again a popular centre of social life. The golden thirties also brought a cultural boom to the Hotel Lomnica. The rebuilt hotel terrace is a popular place for sitting in the healing Tatra air and the hotel premises even serve as a studio for the Tatra photographer Vladimír Košt'ál.

Just as the hotel withstood the First World War, it also withstood the Second. After the liberation of Czechoslovakia from Nazi rule, the hotel once again enjoys a unique atmosphere. Many musical and theatrical performances are held there. The sound of the electric organ and the laughter and voices of the guests at the five o'clock teas are regularly heard.

Group 442

The fatal turning point

The hotel premises have had various uses throughout the period. Whether they served important guests, soldiers or inhabitants of the Tatras. Nothing has marked them like the 1990s. For a while after privatisation the hotel was still in operation. In 1993, however, only a banner celebrating the centenary of the hotel hangs on its renovated façade, which unfortunately no longer serves its purpose. Its operation is limited to the sale of souvenirs, toys and food.

However, even these shops gradually disappeared and the building of the once famous First Lady of the Tatras remained standing abandoned and resisting the merciless teeth of time. It only hosted a family of storks, which "entered the guest list" as the last one.
The beautiful premises are becoming a ruin... Pride, shame...

Group 443

Rebirth of the First Lady

In 2015, a new spark comes into the First Lady's life. Investor and architects from GFI enter the unsealed hotel space. Despite their nakedness, they take their breath away. The important task is to preserve as much as possible of the original building and bring back its original purpose, its ancient refinement and splendour. In the same year, an ambitious project is being developed that must meet the highest demands of today's guests.

It is necessary to expand the accommodation capacity, to complete the premises for the wellness centre and the congress hall. However, the new extension cannot compete with the original building, on the contrary. Its role is to contrast with it and thus highlight its uniqueness. Therefore, a minimalist modern style extension is being added, the silhouette of which is reminiscent of the silhouette of the Tatra Mountains. Join us for a glimpse into the premises just before and after the renovation.

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