Pálffy Manor
Pálffy Manor in Svätý Jur
Pálffy Manor
VIAJUR viticulture and winemaking
Pálffy Manor
Internet shop and wine distribution

Unlimited working hours, black money on hand, disproportionate physical and mental strain on staff. Problems that have long been overlooked or quietly tolerated in the catering sector have surfaced with the coronary crisis.

"Everyone hoped that once the measures were relaxed and restaurants were allowed to reopen, the gastro would gradually return to its usual rhythm. Instead, we find ourselves facing another burdensome ordeal," concludes Peter Mudrý, Food & Beverage Manager at Hotel Lomnica.

21 08 05 13 47 41 610bebfdb3c69 peter mudryGastronomy is undergoing a personnel change and Slovakia is not alone in this. Austrians, Czechs and French are openly talking about the problems in the gastrosector.

A core of enthusiasts remained in the industry

During the coronary crisis, the gastro sector inadvertently lost not only sales but also employees. The uncertain prospects of the industry discouraged them from waiting patiently and many people decided to leave the sector. Some settled in the car industry, others in logistics services and even in retail. Eight-hour working hours, steady pay and free holidays outweighed their years of experience in the catering industry, so they stopped thinking about returning altogether.

Confidence in Gastro's resurgence has been lost by staff across all roles, including those at the top. The uncertainty has not only affected people in service, but also in the kitchen, including chefs and operations managers.

The significant outflow of personnel from this industry was confirmed by the results of a recent survey conducted by Profesia. Up to a fifth of people who left the catering, hotel and tourism industry to find work elsewhere did not admit to returning.

"There remains a core of enthusiasts in the industry who love doing this work and do it out of conviction. It is on them that the future of gastronomy rests," notes P. Mudrý. "That's why I'm much more aware of how precious it is to work every day surrounded by such people and to share the same passion with them. It's an incredible driving force that somehow naturally draws the same passionate people to us."21 08 05 13 52 05 610bed057c9c7 tomas sevcik kastiel palffyMoreover, employees are no longer willing to work for black money, which has long been an open secret in the sector. Indeed, the period of the hard lockdown has made it abundantly clear to them why it is disadvantageous to tolerate the minimum wage on the pay slip and receive the rest of their income in cash. This malaise is pervasive across the sector and is being paid for not only by employees but also by honest employers.

Only the first payout will convince them

"People with gastro experience are reticent about guarantees that they will get the full agreed income acknowledged on their payslip. Not to mention extra pay for weekends, night work and for every hour of overtime worked. In practice, we find that such people are completely disabused of their doubts only after the first paycheck," describes P. Mudrý.

The quality of catering services is significantly compromised by the outflow of staff. Guests expect the same perfect service as before.

"Three part-timers on the terrace can't do what five waiters once did. That's the reality that many businesses are facing at the moment. If they want to maintain their standards, they will adjust the number of staff to the range of services they provide and therefore the capacity they are able to fully serve," notes Michal Majerský, Operations Manager of Pálffy Manor.

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"The problem will arise when restaurants start dropping their claims to quality of service."

The catering industry has to go through a necessary change not only in working but also in operating conditions. It is up to the companies to adapt to the new situation and rethink their business concept or to try to make up for lost sales at the expense of quality and, therefore, customer experience.

"People have no reason to abandon what they have been used to. The problem will arise when restaurants start to abandon their claims to quality of service," emphasises P. Mudrý.

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A chance for a new generation

Staff selection in the catering industry has opened up even more space for recruiting employees who, although lacking an education certificate, are not determined to find a career in the industry. Training enthusiastic newcomers is an effective investment in the future for businesses. Sometimes it is even easier to fill such a blank slate than it is to change the blank slate in your image.

The willingness to continuously learn and work on yourself is crucial. Technical skills can be built and honed over time, in any format of operation, including the highest class.

"The one thing we can't improve them in is the ability to like people and listen to them. No one has invented such training yet," M. Majerský notes with a smile.

21 08 05 14 02 24 610bef70cf916 kastiel palffy staff"The quality of service and the choice of people will play a key role in whether the Slovak gastroscene will go back in time or, on the contrary, build on what it has built up with hard efforts until the outbreak of the corona. However, one has to be patient, because success will not come immediately," adds M. Majerský.

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