Kaštieľ Pálffy
Kaštieľ Pálffy vo Svätom Jure
Kaštieľ Pálffy
VIAJUR vinohradníctvo a vinárstvo
Kaštieľ Pálffy
Internetový obchod a distribúcia vín
Booking A truly exceptional rating on Booking.com
Tripadvisor Excellent rating on Tripadvisor
Google Great rating on Google
Hotels Outstanding rating on Hotels.com
Trustyou Excellent rating on Trustyou


The best rated 5-star hotel in Tatras

Frame 704


Appreciated gastronomy by world leaders in the industry

Frame 705


Cooperation with Michelin chefs

Frame 709


Art at every step on the walls, on your plate and in the glasses

Frame 707


The only 5-star boutique hotel in Tatras

Frame 708

Don´t let yourself be disturbed by anything and find your own oasis of peace with an individual care and caring staff. Choose the best for you:

Your summer experiences …

tatry zazitky

Four dates of tasting dinners in the open air under the sky

tatry zazitky

The mastery of the culinary team in Franz Jozef restaurant during weekends

tatry zazitky
Historical veterans

Unique ride under the Tatras

tatry zazitky
Valéria Wellness

Relax in intimate atmosphere

tatry zazitky
Mozart Café

Concerts in the beautiful premises of the Mozart Café

tatry zazitky
Musical summer

A performance of a musical artist on the terrace of the hotel every Saturday

tatry zazitky

Unique themed wine tasting in our Selaví wine shop


We would like you
to feel special with us

We will go on a journey together and discover unexpected tastes and tastings. We will inspire you with special experience of creativity on your plate and we will provide you with pleasant moments in the company of our service and kitchen.


Fine dining restaurant
Franz Josef


Á la carte restaurant



We are global even in Slovakia.
And what does the world say about us?

The services which were offered to us are really at the level of a 5-star. The room, service, breakfast, dinner, everything was top.

Michal Mravec, Slovak football defender

This servis was beautiful. I just fell good here, I traveled a lot and there is nothing that bothers me here. That´s the basis for me

Patrik ,,Rytmus“ Vrbovský, slovak rapper

I haven´t had such an excellent food as here for long time. People, who are the same as me, love the food and love quality things, can find what they are looking for. Honestly, I have to say, that it is one of the most beautiful hotels I have ever seen not only in Slovakia but in general. It is really on the highest level.

Simona Krainová, Czech topmodel and presenter

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Láska hory prenáša a my ju premieňame na dokonalý dezert! ♥️ Naši cukrári vložili celé srdce do tejto sladkej Valentínskej špeciality, aby ste mohli lásku nielen cítiť, ale aj ochutnať.Doprajte si romantický moment s dezertom, ktorý bude dostupný len počas Valentínskeho víkendu (14.-16.február) v kaviarni Mozart.
✨ Hovädzie líčka – majstrovské dielo zimného menu! ✨🍽️ Na tanieri nájdete:Jemné hovädzie líčka pripravené s dôrazom na detail, krémové zelerové pyré s misom, vrstvený zelerový gratin, sviežu cviklu, nakladané slivky, omáčku z červeného vína a koreňovej zeleniny a jemne pikantné horčičné semienka, ktoré celému jedlu dodávajú jedinečný šmrnc.👨‍🍳 Šéfkuchár @patrik_pokryvka vás srdečne pozýva, aby ste ochutnali jedlo, ktoré je oslavou zimných chutí a precíznej kuchárskej práce.
Piatok je malý sviatok 😉 Vstúpte do víkendu s dobrou náladou minimálne tak ako naši kolegovia. Tešíme sa na slnečné, zimné dni pod Tatrami 💃🏼🕺🏽
Ako vyzerá januárová dovolenka v Tatrách? Menej ľudí, viac pokoja a oddychu. Čo k tomu? Top služby, výhodnejšie mimosezónne ponuky, dychberúce výhľady a konečne poriadna nádielka snehu 🌨️🩵✨
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