
Degustačné večere – Prečo sa oplatí dodržať dress code a rezervovať si miesto vopred?

Hotel Lomnica Hotel Lomnica
When you are going to visit one of the fine restaurants abroad, you simply don't stand a chance without booking a specific day and time in advance and adhering to a strictly prescribed dress code. Seating capacity is pronouncedly limited due to the small number of tables, the quality of gastronomy is at the highest level, and so in these cases, the wait for a place is even several weeks or months. What is behind these strict rules? Full Article
Hotel Lomnica Hotel Lomnica

I have the most beautiful job in the world, wine and food brings people together...

Hotel Lomnica Hotel Lomnica
Dining consists of several elements and the overall impression of the guest is created by the collaboration of the kitchen and the service, says Davide Macaluso, who flew to Slovakia together with Enrico Bartolini in November. Davide heads the food & beverage department at one of Enrico's trattorias in Tuscany, where he is also head sommelier. For him, work is a passion to which he has adapted his whole life. But how does he evaluate Slovak gastronomy, which is still without a Michelin star? Full Article
Hotel Lomnica Hotel Lomnica
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