Kaštieľ Pálffy
Manor house Pálffy in Svätý Jur
Kaštieľ Pálffy
VIAJUR winery
Kaštieľ Pálffy
E-shop and wine distribution

Art, comfort, and elegance all situated in the heart of High Tatras: these are the trump-cards of accommodation we offer in Hotel Lomnica. Warm and professional staff is a value adding the essence of humanity transforming a hotel stay into a delightful experience.

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Standard rooms

All standard rooms at the Lomnica come with the size of 25 square meters, are spacious and furnished with attention paid to every detail making you feel really special. The rooms are designed in two basic styles. The equipment of the rooms in the historical section reminds of the era when the hotel was first opened. The modern part of the hotel is decorated in the contemporary minimalist style.

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The suites at Hotel Lomnica represent the perfect harmony between superb lodging and sophisticated beauty. Exceptional service and breathtaking views of the High Tatras are a matter of course in our suites, just like modern equipment meeting the expectation of the most discerning traveler.

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Luxury combining modern amenities and unparalleled service. Each apartment in Hotel Lomnica is unique, however, the common denominator is superb equipment, brilliant views and stylish premises offering our guests the yearned-for comfort and relaxation.

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We have a passion for culinary art

Our signature trait is to offer unparalleled hospitality and creativity with a badge of a first-class experience. You may enjoy the combination of these essences in Kaštieľ Pálffy manor, the Réva Vine House and other facilities belonging to our family of our brands.
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